Superhero of the social web

Spiderman: Superhero of the social web
Who is the character most Marvel discussion on the social web? Spiderman, of course.

The data analysis company Networked Insights has gathered data on the most popular Marvel characters on the social web over the past 30 days, and although it is not surprising that Spiderman on top of the list - especially in light of the recent debut of the film franchise - has won the Avengers the second most socially discussed.

Second, the Incredible Hulk is the Avengers character discussed on social media sites, followed by Thor and Iron Man Meanwhile, the mutants are best Wolverine, Magneto and Northstar.

The company also showed the most evil, discussed with Loki - the adopted brother of Thor - take the first place. The Lizard and Venom completed the first two.

Meanwhile, users of social media in New York City is chatting on Marvel characters than any other position at the national level, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.

"It 'was established for a bit' of time that social media is the digital water cooler for all types of discussions," Sean Reckwerdt, senior analyst at Network Insights, told Mashable. "We are seeing through social media the dissolution of superhero comics to be loved only by niche communities. The commercial success of recent Marvel films are showing that people are willing to invest several years of their time for a franchise and are definitely willing to test a series of restarts if well executed. "

For a deeper look in which Marvel characters are always the buzz over social control inforgraphic below.

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This story originally published on Mashable.


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